
May 4, Saturday, 10:00 AM. Riverside Wildflower and Plants Walk with Stephanie Bergman
Stephanie Bergman, who holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Education and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology. Carpooling is encouraged. Meet at ELT property (a field) on Rt. 71 which is .8 miles north/west on Rt 71 from the N. Egremont Store. You’ll see our ELT sign on a post there, on the right. Pull well off the road to park. Rain date is May 5, Sunday 10:00 AM. Free.

May 25, Saturday, 7:30 AM. Rain or shine. Spring Bird Walk with Brian Kane.
Brian is an associate professor of commercial arboriculture at UMass Amherst, and he is passionate about bird watching. He is the author of a scholarly study on tree-cavity-dwelling birds. Meet at parking lot at Jug End State Reservation. Free.

September 7, Saturday, 11 a.m. ELT’s annual meeting at French Park, North Egremont.
After a nature presentation, ELT will conduct its annual meeting, followed by a lunch provided by ELT. Everyone is welcome. Free. More details to follow.